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Demographic development and behavioural aspects (e.g. ‘crowding-out effect’) and their impact on the municipal waste charging policy

Evaluation of the demographic change, behavioural aspects (e.g. so called ‘crowding-out effect’), and municipal waste cost structure influence on the effectiveness of waste charging schemes in the Czech Republic.

Demographic change is social phenomenon that has a significant impact on environmental service provision at the local level. Especially municipal waste management seems to be affected by the development of demographic characteristics enormously, because households and their behaviour influence the municipal waste production, treatment (incl. recycling), and the effectiveness of charging policy. The environmental (or recycling) behaviour is influenced also by other intrinsic, and extrinsic factors with different significance. To increase the fulfillment of environmental goals and efficiency of the municipal waste management system the extrinsic factors as collection charges (or unit-based, ‘pay-as-you-throw’ schemes) are preferred by local governments. To be effective the charging schemes should reflect demographic characteristics of households, behavioural aspects of their decision making process in the case of municipal waste production, or treatment, and the municipal waste management cost structure (fixed vs. variable costs).

Funding Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 1/2016–12/2018
Contact Person: Jan Slavík, e-mail:,
Researchers: Jan Slavík, Jan Pavel, Eliška Vejchodská
In Cooperation with:



Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze (RNDr. Boris. Burcin, Ph.D.) a INESAN (Mgr. Jiří Remr, Ph.D.)


Slavík, J., Pavel, J., & Arltová, M. (2020). Variable charges and municipal budget balance: Communicating vessels of the waste management. Journal of Environmental Management257.