Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy                                                                                                       Member of network of academics

Supporting Development of Adaptation Measures and Strategies in Cities

Supporting the climate change adaptation of cities Prague, Brno, Plzen and Ustí nad Labem by promotion of nature-based solutions.

Three quarters of Europe’s inhabitants live in cities that are often vulnerable and poorly prepared for the effects of climate change (heat waves, water scarcity, drought, floods). The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report states that adaptation measures in cities are crucial successful adaptation to climate change. The aim of the project is to support decision-making processes and the development of climate adaptation measures and strategies in pilot cities (Prague, Pilsen, Ústí nad Labem, Brno). Research is based on the methodical approaches of economic valuation, analysis of existing climate adaptation policies (barriers and opportunities), and assessment of the possible implementation of nature-based measures.

Funding Agency: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Duration: 1/2016–12/2017
Contact Person: Jan Macháč, e-mail:
Researchers: Jan Macháč, Lenka Dubová, Jiří Louda
In Cooperation with: CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Outputs: MACHÁČ, J., DUBOVÁ, L., LOUDA, J. 2017. Ekonomická analýza přírodě blízkých adaptačních opatření ve městě. Výsledky případových studií z Prahy, Brna a Plzně. Ústí nad Labem: Institut pro ekonomickou a ekologickou politiku (IEEP) Fakulta sociálně ekonomická, Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem.
MACHÁČ, J., LOUDA, J., DUBOVÁ, L., VEJCHODSKÁ, E., SLAVÍKOVÁ, L. 2017. How to Successfully Achieve Urban Adaptation Using Green and Blue Infrastructure? (poster presentovaný na XVI World Water Congress, 29.5.-3.6.2017 Cancun, Mexiko)
LOUDA, J., MACHÁČ, J., DUBOVÁ, L.2017. Green and Blue Infrastructure: An Opportunity for Resilient and Sustainable Cities? (poster presentovaný na Dresden Nexus Conference 2017, 17.-19.5.2017 Dresden, Německo)
VEJCHODSKÁ, E., LOUDA, J. 2017. Partnerství obcí s veřejností při správě městské zeleně. Urbanismus a územní rozvoj, 3/2017. ISSN 1212-0855.
VEJCHODSKÁ, E., LOUDA, J., DUBOVÁ, L. 2017. Urban Green Space – Beneficial but Costly. New Approaches to Financing. In: Matějková L. (ed.). Proceedings of the 21st International Conference Current Trends in Public Sector Research 2017. Brno: Masaryk University, 2017. Pp. 402-409, ISSN 2336-1239, ISBN 978-80-210-8448-3.
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