Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy                                                                                                       Member of network of academics


Macroeconomic Modelling of Government Interventions in the Field of Environmental Protection and their Impacts on the Macroeconomic Aggregates of the Czech Republic

Analyzing the influences of implemented administrative and economic instruments of environmental protection on macroeconomic aggregates (GDP and inflation rate).

Dynamic changes in environmental protection during the transformation period had a significant impact on macroeconomic variables in the Czech Republic. The introduction of strict limits for dangerous substances emissions or increased demands on the quality of water treatment plants caused considerable additional investments and costs for enterprises and households. It implicitly influenced the values chosen for macro-aggregates, e. g. growth of GDP or the inflation rate.
The aim of the project was to model the expected changes in state environmental policyv in the Czech Republic.

Funding Agency: Czech Ministry of the Environment
Duration: 2004-2005
Contact Person: Lenka Slavíková (
Researchers: Jan Pavel, Jan Slavík, Jan Brůha, Lenka Čamrová (Slavíková); Milan Ščasný; Eva Tošovská
In Cooperation with: Environment Centre-Charles University (Centrum pro otázky životního prostředí UK)
Outputs: Pavel J. (ed.) (2006): Národohospodářské modely dopadů opatření politiky životního prostředí na makroekonomické agregáty v České republice (Macroeconomic modelling of government interventions in the field of environmental protection and their impacts on the macroeconomic aggregates of the Czech Republic), Praha: IEEP VŠE, ISBN 80–86684–40–7.
Use of Results: The main output of the project was a macroeconomic model which enables the realization of an ex-ante evaluation of state interventions in the environmental field from the point of view of their macroeconomic impact.


CE-HEAT: Comprehensive Model of Waste Heat Utilization in CE Regions

Support of the potential waste heat utilization in Central Europe to achieve the energy savings.

The project focuses on the use of waste heat that is in energy savings. The waste heat is such that it cannot be used by its producer (company, municipality), e. g. cooling or combustion facilities. Such heat can be used by another entity, which is forced to produce it for itself. Energy savings therefore represent an opportunity for both financial savings and for environmental protection. They are also a way of how to raise energy safety. The focus of the project and involvement of UJEP is a logical reaction to the specific needs of the region.
The Czech Republic has a potential of approximately 5 PJ savings in waste heat. The project will focus on the identification of the possible use of waste heat in this region in cooperation with self-governing regions, municipalities and companies. The result of the project will be a real application in the form of a pilot project. The goal of the project is also to create a system which would allow to identify the possibilities of waste heat use even after the end of the project, for example by using the data flows within the legal obligations of the companies and municipalities (for example by using the area energy conceptions). CE-HEAT will also enhance a mutual cooperation of foreign and Czech academic institutions, regional and municipal self governing authorities and business sphere.
Besides the Czech Republic there are 5 other European countries involved in this 3 year project realized within priority axis 2 Cooperation in the area of low carbon strategies in Central Europe.

Funding Agency: Interreg Central Europe
Duration: 5/2016–4/2019
Contact Person: Jiří Louda (
Researchers: Jiří Louda, Lenka Zemková, Ondřej Vojáček (NCEU), Jan Brabec (NCEU), Jan Macháč (NCEU)
In Cooperation with: National Center for Energy Savings (Czech Republic),  E-ZAVOD (Slovenia),  APE FVG – Agenzia Per l’Energia del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar (Croatia),  Dravske elektrarne Maribor (Slovenia), Technologieoffensive Burgenland GmbH (Austria), Thüringer Energie- und GreenTech-Agentur GmbH (Germany), Poltegor – Instytut (Poland)
Web-site: Project CE-HEAT website

Facebook page CE-HEAT


Interdisciplinary Bilateral Winter and Summer School on Energy Systems in Austria and the Czech Republic

Non semester course for Czech and Austrian students supported by Czech-Austrian Energy Expert Group (CZ-AT EEG).

The Czech-Austrian Energy Expert Group (CZ-AT EEG) was established in 2002 by the agreement of Czech Minister of Foregin Affairs Cyril Svoboda and Austrian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environmnent and Water Management Wilhelm Molterer. Experts (mostly academic) in energy, economics and energy policy operate in the group.
The aim of this expert group is to support public discussion in the wider range of Czech and Austrian experts on energy, environment and society issues. To this aim, the group presents innovative energy policy topics, organizes joint seminars, discussions, prepares summer schools and educational courses at universities, processes expert studies, publishes and other activities.
The Interdisciplinary Bilateral Winter and Summer School on Energy Systems in Austria and the Czech Republic is an extra-semester course organized across Czech and Austrian universities, attended by 10 Czech and 10 Austrian student every year. The course includes lectures, excursions and bilateral cooperation of students over the selected project.

Funding Agency: AKTION Austria – Czech Republic (AKTION Česká republika – Rakousko)
Duration: continuously / annually
Contact Person: Lenka Zemková, e-mail:
Researchers:  Jiří Louda, Lenka Zemková
In Cooperation with: Czech-Austrian Energy Expert Group (CZ-AT EEG)


E-klima: E-learning Model for Lifelong Learning in Selected Area of Environment

Creating an e-learning course focusing on the nature and social science themes related to climate, climate change and earth sciences.

The main aim of the project is to prepare a tutorial model for e-learning courses for lifelong learning in selected spheres of the environment (focused on climate and its change) and thus to ensure both the quality and quantity of information about environmental protection.

Funding Agency: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Duration: 2007–2010
Contact Person: Jiřina Jílková (
Researchers: Jiřina Jílková, Tomáš Kubálek, Jiří Přibil, Pavlína Furgaláková, Šárka Šebková, Sabina Hliněnská, Alena Kováčová
In Cooperation with: Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Outputs: Project E-klima website
Use of Results: E-learning cource “E-klima”


TranSust: The Policy Scenarios of Converting to Sustainable Economic Structures

Modelling the influences of introducing sustainable development policies on the economy of selected European countries.

The project aims to define different development scenarios (national policies, programmes etc.) and their significance for the European Strategy for Sustainable Development.
As a first step models and research methods were improved in accordance with Extended Impact Assessment principles. It was necessary to communicate with all the key partners at national levels. Performing of an analysis of the present and future development of policies and trends in the field of sustainable development was the next important step, which was followed by creation of a hypothesis sensitivity model.
Finally, recommendations for policy-making were formulated.

Funding Agency: 6th Frame Program (the EU)
Duration: 2006 – 2009
Contact Person: Jiřina Jílková (
Researchers: Jiřina Jílková, Sabina Hliněnská, Jiří Louda
In Cooperation with: Oesterreichisches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung, Zentrum fuer Europaeische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH, Société de Mathématiques, Appliquées et de Sciences Humaines, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Institute for World Economics, Lodz Institute for Forecasting and Economic Analyses, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College Dublin, Universitaet Hamburg
Web-site: Project TranSust website


Europe Agreement – Pre-Accession Strategy: Economic Impacts of Implementing Legislation which Approximates EU Environmental Legislation – Preparatory Study: AIR

Economic and legal analysis of the impacts of approximation with EU Environmental legislation.

The overall objective of the project was to prepare a preliminary estimate of the economic and financial impacts of the implementation of EU legislation on air protection and to create a starting point for a more detailed follow-up study. Within the project there was also a comparison of EU and Czech legislation in the field of air protection and the degree of approximation of Czech legislation to EU legislation. Based on this, the basic and additional costs of implementing the Czech legislation in relation to the approximation to the relevant EU legislation were estimated. This estimatation included consideration of necessary changes in institutions, management, enforcement and monitoring (including relevant investment and operating costs).

Funding Agency: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Duration: 1997–1998
Contact Person: Jiřina Jílková (
Researchers: Jiřina Jílková, Václav Červenka, Milan Damohorský, Zdeněk Štěpánek

The output was an analysis of the economic and legal impacts of the implementation of EU legislation on atmospheric protection. Furthermore, conclusions based on past outputs included the necessary scope of activities, timing and budget requiredfor for follow-up studies considered by the Ministry of Environment to be necessary to develop a detailed approximation strategy in the field of air protection, based on more detailed considerations of economic and financial impacts.

Demographic development and behavioural aspects (e.g. ‘crowding-out effect’) and their impact on the municipal waste charging policy

Evaluation of the demographic change, behavioural aspects (e.g. so called ‘crowding-out effect’), and municipal waste cost structure influence on the effectiveness of waste charging schemes in the Czech Republic.

Demographic change is social phenomenon that has a significant impact on environmental service provision at the local level. Especially municipal waste management seems to be affected by the development of demographic characteristics enormously, because households and their behaviour influence the municipal waste production, treatment (incl. recycling), and the effectiveness of charging policy. The environmental (or recycling) behaviour is influenced also by other intrinsic, and extrinsic factors with different significance. To increase the fulfillment of environmental goals and efficiency of the municipal waste management system the extrinsic factors as collection charges (or unit-based, ‘pay-as-you-throw’ schemes) are preferred by local governments. To be effective the charging schemes should reflect demographic characteristics of households, behavioural aspects of their decision making process in the case of municipal waste production, or treatment, and the municipal waste management cost structure (fixed vs. variable costs).

Funding Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 1/2016–12/2018
Contact Person: Jan Slavík, e-mail:,
Researchers: Jan Slavík, Jan Pavel, Eliška Vejchodská
In Cooperation with:



Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze (RNDr. Boris. Burcin, Ph.D.) a INESAN (Mgr. Jiří Remr, Ph.D.)


Slavík, J., Pavel, J., & Arltová, M. (2020). Variable charges and municipal budget balance: Communicating vessels of the waste management. Journal of Environmental Management257.


Economic and Environmental Effects of Environmental Regulation under Different Market Structures (e.g. packaging waste regulation)

Which market structure (monopoly or competition) is more efficient for the fulfillment of packaging waste goals?

The expected drop in landfill capacities (or capacities for the waste disposal at all) lead to the enactment of Packaging Directive which came into force on December 1994. The members of European Union are forced to attain very strict targets of packaging waste recovery and recycling. The producer’s responsibility as a legal duty (the packaging collection and recovery) can be fulfilled through the involvement in collective system (in majority EU countries Green dot system) organized by one or more authorized recovery organizations. The research is based on the current discussion on European level about environmental efficiency and effectiveness of this regulation in monopoly market structure or in competition, which is held by some interest groups (e.g. European Commission, PRO Europe etc.). The lack of the economic approach in this discussion is noticeable -the effect of market competition approach in waste management (and environment at all) is explored marginally and impact of market competition between recovery organizations is not yet analyzed.

Funding Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 1/2010–12/2011
Contact Person: Jan Slavík, e-mail:
Researchers: Jan Slavík, Jitka Šeflová, Martin Ždímal, Josef Šíma
Outputs: Slavík J., Pavel J. (2013): Do the variable charges really increase the effectiveness and economy of waste management? A case study of the Czech Republic. Resources Conservation and Recycling 70: 68–77.
Downloads: Publisher webpage:


Theoretical analysis of dependencies between environmental policy, regional policy and regional planning

What is the optimal relationships between environmental policy, regional policy and regional planning (example of the Local Agenda 21)?

Main objective of the project lies in detailed analysis of theoretical aspects of natural resources use for development of regions purposes. In existing scientific literature natural resources are considered as one of the factors of regional development which is variable in time. What is the role of particular parts of the environment and natural resources in development of Czech regions? Natural resources in dependence on scale of their use can be significant potential, but also a limiting factor of further development of respective regions. Key activities of the projects are: a) analysis of theoretical approaches to natural resources use and environmental protection in context of regional development theories, b) an analysis of existing experiences with these questions in selected Czech regions. On the basis of two preliminary theoretical-methodological analyses will be executed an evaluation of Czech conditions emphatically on definitions of specifics in natural resources use in particular regions. On the basis of supplementary and complementary analysis of qualification natural resources use in Czech economic policies will be prepared a matrix of advantages and disadvantages of natural resources use with reference to Czech regional aspects.

Funding Agency: Czech Science Foundation
Duration: 1/2009–12/2010
Contact Person: Jan Slavík, e-mail:
Researchers: Jan Slavík, Martin Pělucha, Viktor Květoň, Jitka Šeflová, Alena Hadrabová
Outputs: Květoň V., Louda J., Slavík J. (2014): Contribution of Local Agenda 21 to Practical
Downloads: Publisher webpage:


Economical analysis of the intended deposit system in the Czech Republic

Evaluation of economic aspects of the introduction of deposit system on beverage packaging (PET, cans) in the Czech Republic.

The basic goal of the project is to analyse costs and revenues of the deposit system on beverage packaging (beverage PET bottles and cans) for different scenarios of the recycling rate (80, 85, 90%). Furthermore, the study aims to estimate the impact of the deposit system on final prices for consumers and on the existing system of the separate collection of chosen materials (especially plastics). Another goals of the study is to analyse the impact of the deposit system on littering. The Czech Republic is going to make a decision about the appropriateness of the deposit system on one-way beverage containers (PET bottles and cans) in the waste management policy instrument mix. The study solves the question, what kind of costs and revenues the deposit system would generate and how would bear these costs and revenues. Contrary, the study is not going to analyse theoretical aspects (pros and cons) of the deposity system, that it is possible to define according to previous research abroad. The definition of system elements is based on the swedish model of deposit system. The study includes the evaluation of costs that arise when littering is going to be solved.

Funding Agency: Czech Ministry of the Environment
Duration: 2008
Contact Person: Ing. Jitka Šeflová
Researchers: Jiřina Jílková, Jitka Šeflová, Monika Přibylová, Jana Matějovská