Ecosystem services approach is dynamic evolving field that helps to better understand the importance of the nature for the human society. This approach is focused on the benefit identification resulting from biological variety of well-functioning ecosystems and simultaneously on methods of how to take these benefits into consideration in the decision-making processes of the market economy. Ecosystem services represent the frame for practical solutions of environmental problems that results from excessive use of natural resources.
IEEP aims at the interdisciplinary linkage between the natural resource use and the providing of ecosystem services. Important part is the valuation and payments for ecosystem services. Emphasis is put on linking theoretical knowledge of economics, regional studies and law.
OKliBio: Fruit Landscapes for Climate Protection and Biodiversity
Protection of meadow orchards and fruit tree alleys supporting biodiversity, the cultural heritage of our landscape, old varieties, and the sustainable development of agricultural landscapes. More
ReBioClim: REstoring urban streams to promote BIOdiversity, CLIMate adaptation and to improve quality of life in cities
Supporting cities in planning restoration of small streams that will improve the quality of life of residents, increase biodiversity and contribute to climate change adaptation More
Climate_CRICES: Increasing Climate Change Resilience in Central Europe
Supporting cities and regions in Central Europe to develop and implement climate change adaptation strategies More
System of environmental-technical optimization of spatial parameters of agricultural land in the context of permanent efficient management
How to design an appropriate internal layout of agricultural land taking into account the ecosystem services provided. More
SpongeBoost: Upscalling the natural sponge functions of freshwater ecosystems to deliver multi- benefit green deal solutions
How to support sponge functions of freshwater ecosystems in the form of wetlands and other nature-based solutions More
Assessment of organic and conventional agriculture in terms of their impacts on ecosystem services to support strategic and decision-making processes
Comparison of the impact of conventional and organic farming on the provision of ecosystem services and formulation of arguments for adjusting the setting of support for organic farming. More
FOREST-AGRICULTURE-WATER NEXUS: Bilateral Workshops for Supporting Tools for Ecosystem Services Governance
Czech-Norwegian bilateral workshops on the use of floodplain forest buffer zones for improving water quality and reducing soil erosion. More
Improving society’s resilience to effects of crisis by increasing food self-sufficiency
Promotion of establishment of urban community gardens (CG) to mitigate economic and social impacts of crises. More
WATER IN THE CITY: Blue and Green Infrastructure Interdisciplinary
Development of interdisciplinary tools to support management of rainwater in municipalities. More
Development of methods of economic evaluation of green and blue infrastructure in urban areas
Development of a tool and SMART method for economic evaluation. More
BIDELIN: Values of Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Blue-green Infrastructures in Cities, Exemplified by Dresden, Liberec and Děčín
Detecting, quantifying and evaluating the ecosystem services in the cities Dresden, Liberec and Děčín. More
Economic Support for Strategic and Decision-making Processes at the National and Regional Level, Leading to Sustainable Energy use of Agricultural Biomass, while Respecting Food Self-sufficiency and Soil Conservation
Economic assessment of measares for sustainable use of biomass. More
Supporting Development of Adaptation Measures and Strategies in Cities
Supporting the climate change adaptation of cities Prague, Brno, Plzen and Ustí nad Labem by promotion of nature-based solutions. More
UrbanAdapt: Development of Urban Adaptation Strategies Using Ecosystem-based Approaches to Adaptation
Supporting the climate change adaptation strategies development of Prague, Brno and Pilsen with respect to the potential of green and blue infrastructure enlargement. More
Regional Value Chains in the Context of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity
Pilot use of the concept of ecosystem services to support business enterprise at regional level and to optimize their impact on the environment. More
Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Regional Value Chains
Analysis of existing experience with the use of the concept of ecosystem services in the academic and political spheres in the Czech Republic. More
ESOM: Valuable Nature in the Eastern Ore Mountains
Valuation of recreational benefits provided by the Eastern Ore Mountains landscape that lead to the welfare increase of local residents and visitors. More