Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy                                                                                                       Member of network of academics

We participate

We actively attend international conferences and workshops. We invite foreign speakers for guest lectures at the university. We organize conferences, workshops and meeting for both, international research audience and local stakeholders.

5th European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change: Riverine and Coastal Wetlands, Bonn

The international conference, held from 26-28 September 2023, in its fifth edition, focused on the theme of wetlands and their role in biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation/adaptation. The aim was to enhance the exchange of experiences and networking between scientists, policy makers and practitioners. One of the invited speakers at the conference was Jan Macháč, who presented his contribution Introduction to wetland ecosystem services and their socio-economic importance“.


9. International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice

9th symposium was held on 21.- 23.11.2022, 150 experts from around the world participated, including colleagues from Australia and South America. Main goal of the conference was the actual development of alternative technologies for the waste re-use. Also the executive board of the IWWG (International Waste Working Group) met and elected the new president for 2025-2026. Our colleague, Jan Slavík, has served as the leader of the working sub-group „Economics of Waste“.


Urban Transitions 2022, Sitges

In November 2022, Hana Brůhová-Foltýnová and Jiří Louda participated et Urban Transitions 2022. Hana Brůhová-Foltýnová talked about results from Mobility and Transport group that investigated COVID-19 pandemics impact on transport behavior. Jiří Louda introduced the tool for the evaluation of impacts of green and blue infrastucture for the climate change adaptation.

TERRAenVISION 2022, Utrecht

In July 2022 the TERRAenVISION conference “Nature-based solutions to facilitate the transition for living within the planetary boundaries“ was held in Utrecht. Lenka Dubová talked about motivations of the community garden coordinators and how to make community efforts sustainable.


3. conference SURE, 2021, Poznaň

3rd world conference on society and urban ecology was held on 7. – 9. 7. 2021 in Poznan, Poland.  Lenka Dubová moderated special section on Integrated system analysis of urban greenery and agriculture and she also talked about social benefits of community gardens and how they are understood by the public.


3. Ecosystem Services Partnership Europe Conference: Ecosystem Services Science, Policy and Practice in the face of Global Changes, 2021, Tartu

Jiří Louda, Jan Macháč, Jan Brabec a Marek Hekrle se zúčastnili nejvýznamnější evropské konference zaměřené  na téma ekosystémových služeb 3rdESP, která proběhla v hybridní formě ve dnech 7.-10.6.2021 v estonském Tartu.  Jiří Louda byl hlavním organizátor největší z 38 sekcí na konferenci, dalšími spoluorganizátory byli Jan Brabec, Jan Macháč, Daria Sikorska z Univerzity Poznan (Polsko) a Carsten Grunewald z Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (Německo). Na této sekci s názvem „Planning nature-based solutions while keeping people’s preferences in mind“ bylo prezentováno celkem 18 příspěvků týmy autorů z 10 evropských zemí.

13th Annual Conference PLPR 2019, College Station, Texas 

In February 2019, Lenka Slavíková, Eliška Vejchodská and Jan Brabec attended international conference PLPR 2019 titled “Preparing for Climate Change in the Planned and Unplanned City” in Texas, USA.  14th conference is hosted by UJEP in Ústí nad Labem in February 2020 (


Water Science for Impact, Wageningen

In October 2018, Lenka Slavikova attended the international conference Water Science for Impact at Wageningen University (The Netherlands). The conference focused on the interaction between science and society in developing solutions for pressing water related problem. Together with Thomas Hartmann (Wageningen University) and Thomas Thaler (BOKU, Vienna), Lenka Slavikova co-organized the special session Financial Schemes for Flood Recovery.

Special Session Proposal: Financial Schemes for Flood Recovery


(Em)Powering Hydrodiplomacy conference (HH9), Den Haag

Ninth conference on hydro-hegemony was held on 5th – 6th October 2018. Scientists, policymakers, practitioners and students from all over the world met in Haag, Netherlands. Jan Macháč was the chair of one of 11 sessions, which was focused on games and experiments in water management and hydrodiplomacy. He also contributed with a presentation about flooding game that explores the dynamics in negotiation by implementation of flood protection measures in the context of upstream and downstream.

Abstract: Exploring upstream-downstream in flood risk management – A role played flooding game


13th SDEWES Conference, Palermo

The 13thSDEWES Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems was held on 29thSeptember – 4th  October 2018. Experts met in Palermo, Sicily. Lenka Dubová explained why city government should support the community gardens in cities. She presented about benefits of community gardens for members, citizens and adaptation to climate change. Ondřej Vojáček presented about costs of achieving emissions limits on coal burning power plants in Czech Republic. In poster session he presented possibilities of waste heat uses.

Poster: Waste Heat Utilization: Overcoming Barriers in the Czech Republic


Prof. John Sheehan’s lecture at UJEP

In November 2017, Prof. John Sheehan from University of Technology, Sydney, accepted our invitation for the public lecture titled “Innovative Instruments of the Land Governance: Transferable Development Rights in Australia”. The lecture focused on the problem of coast erosion in Australia and the need for re-settlement of private property owners.


12th SDEWES Conference, Dubrovnik

In October 2017, 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environmental Systems was organized in Dubrovnik, Croatia. IEEP team of the project CE-HEAT organized the special section there, dealing with the problem of waste heat utilization in the Central Europe. Ondrej Vojacek presented about household preferences regarding future waste heat uses.


7th International Conference on Flood Management, Leeds

In September 2017, Lenka Slavikova attended the international flood conference in Leeds, Great Britain. She presented the research on nature-based solution for flood risk mitigation in urban areas.

Presentation: Acceptability of small-scale urban flood protection measures as a complement to large catchmentwide measures


ESEE 2017, Budapest

In June 2017, Lenka Slavikova presented on the international conference organized by the European Society for Ecological Economics called Ecological Economics in Action: Building a Reflective and Inclusive Community. Her contribution was on flood resilient cities.

Abstract: Financial Schemes For Flood Recovery in Flood-Resilient Cities


Dresden Nexus Confrerence

In May 2017, Jiri Louda presented the poster dealing with the green and blue infrastructure in cities at the international conference called Sustanable Development Goals and NEXUS APPROACH: Monitoring and Implementation in Dresden, Germany.

Poster: Green and Blue Infrastructure: An Opportunity for Resilient and Sustainable Cities? 


XVI. World Water Congress, Cancun

At the end of May and the beginning of June, Jan Machac and Jiri Louda attended the 16. World Water Congress in Cancun, Mexico. The congress is the largest worldwide meeting of experts on water management.

Poster 1: Disproportionate cost assessment according to the WFD

Poster 2: How to Successfully Achieve Urban Adaptation Using Green and Blue Infrastructure?