Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy                                                                                                       Member of network of academics

UrbanAdapt: Development of Urban Adaptation Strategies Using Ecosystem-based Approaches to Adaptation

Supporting the climate change adaptation strategies development of Prague, Brno and Pilsen with respect to the potential of green and blue infrastructure enlargement.

The aim of the project is to launch and develop the preparation process of adaptation strategy of cities, and to design and evaluate suitable adaptation measures in selected urban areas (Prague, Brno, Pilsen) in the Czech Republic, with the support of ecosystem based approaches. Partial goals of the project are: to perform the risk and vulnerability assessment connected to the climate change on local urban level in cooperation with stakeholders, to identify relevant adaptation measures, to quantify costs and benefits of preferred adaptation measures, to prepare and formulate adaptation strategies of cities following on “Strategy on adaptation to climate change in the conditions of the Czech Republic“, and to launch the process of an implementation of adaptation strategy and related measures. An important part is also the incorporation of the elements of “green and blue infrastructure“ and ecosystem services into the adaptation cycle and into single measures and adaptation alternatives.

Funding Agency: Program CZ02 – Biodiverzita, monitoring a změna klimatu (financováno z EHP fondů 2009–2014)
Duration: 2015–2016
Contact Person: Jiří Louda, e-mail:
Researchers: Jan Macháč, Lenka Dubová, Jiří Louda, Lenka Slavíková, Kristýna Rybová, Eliška Vejchodská, Jiří Moravec
In Cooperation with: CzechGlobe – Ústav výzkumu globální změny AV ČR, v.v.i.
Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation (Nadace Partnerstí)
Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Czech Technical University
Prague Institute of Planning and Development
CI2, o.p.s.
Urban Planning and Development Institut Pilsen
Institute for the Sustainability Studies, University of Iceland
Outputs: MACHÁČ, J., DUBOVÁ, L., LOUDA, J. 2017. Ekonomická analýza přírodě blízkých adaptačních opatření ve městě. Výsledky případových studií z Prahy, Brna a Plzně. Ústí nad Labem: Institut pro ekonomickou a ekologickou politiku (IEEP) Fakulta sociálně ekonomická, Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem.
VEJCHODSKÁ, E., LOUDA, J. 2017. Partnerství obcí s veřejností při správě městské zeleně. Urbanismus a územní rozvoj, 3/2017. ISSN 1212-0855.
VEJCHODSKÁ, E., LOUDA, J., DUBOVÁ, L. 2017. Urban Green Space – Beneficial but Costly. New Approaches to Financing. In: Matějková L. (ed.). Proceedings of the 21st International Conference Current Trends in Public Sector Research 2017. Brno: Masaryk University, 2017. Pp. 402-409, ISSN 2336-1239, ISBN 978-80-210-8448-3.
MACHÁČ, J., DUBOVÁ, L., LOUDA, J. 2017. Ekonomické zhodnocení společenské přínosnosti zeleně na příkladu Parku pod Plachtami. Zahrada-park-krajina, 1/2017. ISSN 1211-1678
Downloads: Economic analysis of nature close to adaptation measures in the city 2017 (pdf) 
Web-site: Project UrbanAdapt Website
Use of Results: Background to city (strategy) planning, publications for public administration and the general public